Friday, July 28, 2006

Falling Asleep...

I'm so sleepy, and the lack of alertness is not helped by

a) the fact that I slept at 12am last night, because of a phone conversation with her
b) the fact that I ate a pretty large lunch, AND
c) because of the birthday club celebrations, I had TWO slices of ice cream cake.

At this rate, I will be fat enough to float a sunken aircraft carrier.

Met with one of the bosses today for a short meeting, and she briefed me on a completed task of mine, which she was very positive about; that said she gave further clarification about what she wanted me to do. After the gloom of yesterday and the day before, I have this strong feeling that I will really leave this place having learned something.

I still wish to get a broad overview of business in general, however. Consequently, I'm really wondering about business school...


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