Friday, April 28, 2006

So fucked up

Yesterday evening was by far the most surreal night of my existence to date.

It started at 5pm, when I arrived at the door of one of my professors. Let's call him P. P's one of the sweetest guys around: super hospitable, friendly and approachable. And he's always willing to help. At his door, he had three toilet-door-type signs nailed to a stand. The top sign was of a martini glass. The middle one was of a guy pouring the cocktail into his mouth. The last one was of the same guy lying senseless on a bench with little bubbles coming from his mouth, and the martini glass is lying on the floor beneath the bench.

P plies us with drinks the moment we enter: "guys, what do you want to drink?" I had a beer, a Heineken, and we helped ourselves to lots of tortilla chips and homemade guacamole made by the other prof of the class. The evening went really smoothly: I chatted with quite a number of my classmates (though only half the class turned up), and it was all fine. Along the way, I downed 2 beers, 5 margaritas, 3 tequilla shots, and 1 shot of Glenlivet whisky, in the space of about 3 hours. The food was awesome, the weather fantastic, the drinks amazing, and the company was funny as hell as we spoke about the idiots in the class ("you like mangoes?" and "but the aerodynamics are the same regardless of a golfball or a 747").

After that we left to go to Valhalla's, the grad student pub at Rice. On the way, D. pissed on a fire hydrant. M., whom I had not really spoken to much, was driving and her bf D. was so pissed drunk, he was yelling and acting like a madman. I was in the backseat with Mr Brazil, who's actually graduating with me, and we managed to get D to calm down. M was so pissed, she was saying, "Shut the fuck up, D. Stop acting like an asshole.", and was threatening to go home after dropping us off at Valhalla's. On reaching Valhalla, D and M were in the car thrashing it out while Mr. Brazil and I were outside, shaking our heads and saying "uh oh, bad trouble", but before long we were laughing our asses off talking about all sorts of stuff. D and M come out, we go into Valhalla and I get two beers for myself in quick succession. While Mr Brazil and D were figuring out something and talking to other people, I sat with M by the bar to chat with her, especially since she looked kinda pissed off.
It was nice getting to know her, and she's a really sweet person. I think that was when I was starting to get REALLY drunk, because I definitely showed her the Missus' picture... twice. I also gave her my namecard... twice.

After that, I remember leaving Valhalla and walking to Willy's pub, but that is pretty much what I remember... a haze of drunkeness, buying drinks for some underaged friends, bumping into other friends. I apparently posed for some pictures, which I have absolutely no memory of (I was shown the evidence today).

Then suddenly we were thrown out of the pub, and I came out, and was talking to this Scottish guy whom I hadn't had a chance to talk to, though we've met before. I remember him leaving, saying "I'm going to go with that chick over there", but as he was going she left with someone else.

Then next thing I know I was heading back. Two guys were making some comments and laughing at me behind me.

Then next thing I know I'm wrestling on the ground with one of these guys, a guy with a hard face who resembles a cousin of mine, and we were rolling around in the grass. Half way through, I remember saying "why are we fighting, dude?"
"I don't know man, I was just asking if you were ok, and before I know it we're wrestling here!"
"Dude, I thought you guys were jumping me"

Then we were walking, arms around each other's shoulder, me apologizing profusely ("dude, I'm so sorry man" "it's ok, dude, no worries"), and as we reached our dorm rooms, a police car pulls up, and two police officers step out.

I remember vaguely giving him my ID, and he looked at it, and asked us, "Gentlemen were both of you fighting? A lady called and said she saw you two fighting further up the road" "Yesss sir, we were, but it was my fault. Now we're friends." He looked at me and said, "Are you sure? You're both cool?" we both said yes. I think he said something like "I want you two to go straight back to your rooms now".


Then I woke up this morning, feeling pretty ok and thinking to myself that was a nice dream, a funny dream. I lifted my knee, and FUCK, IT HURTS. Goddamn basketball practice yesterday, I thought. Need to be careful with the leg there.

I turned on the computer, and thought to myself, wait, where are my glasses? I opened my wallet, and my credit cards were all over the place...

Was it... ?

Did it really happen?

Messaged a friend: "was I at Willy's pub last night?"
Reply: "haha, yes you were so drunk. you were groping me, you gay shit"

POSTSCRIPT: I actually managed to find the guy today, since we live in the same dorm. Apologized again, and we were having a laugh about it. He said he was drunk as well, so he doesn't know either why we started fighting.


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