Thursday, August 03, 2006

Monkey mind

My mind literally goes all over the place on its own sometimes, and sometimes I just drive myself insane wondering and questioning "why is this happening?", "I thought she loved me", etc.

These are stupid thoughts to think. Afterall, she probably isn't missing me as much as I miss her. It's an unspoken want to cut off from me completely and to live her own life apart from me.

So I need to occupy myself and to entertain myself, and to take care of myself.

Sometimes, though, it helps to talk to friends who are going through the same thing, as I am. It also helps to hang out with buddies, as I will tomorrow (even though a part of me really wants to go to Zouk to check out the DJ...) and as I have yesterday.

Hanging out with GH, who's leaving for Beijing in two weeks, was the most therapeutic thing I have done in ages. Just two bossom buddies spending time together, having fun, talking. I'm really going to miss him a lot when he's gone.

I told him I'll try and visit him in Beijing if I can.


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