Sunday, April 30, 2006

Swollen knee

My right knee is now quite swollen, after dinner and a night out with my friend A. We first went to Pasha for Turkish food, then after giving his friend a ride home, we went to the organic food store Whole Foods, where I bought some presents for my research group as a farewell gift. Got them chocolate truffles, and got myself some apple juice and sweet potato chips.

We then headed to the Flying Saucer where we each had two beers, and then because the beers made me hungry (particularly the last one, a nasty pint of swill called the Rogue Frosty Frog which the serving girl described as tasting like "medicine right when you are about to puke it out".

So we went to Katz's the Jewish deli, where I got a matzo ball soup. Good ol' matzo ball chicken soup, the best thing in the world after drinking. I also had a foot-long bratwurst with sauerkraut and Jewish mustard, good stuff just like in Germany. The server at Katz's really reminded me of the Missus, with the same big eyes, friendly smile and good complexion. But this server is a little plain looking, whereas my Missus looks drop-dead gorgeous, for sure.

This made me miss my honey even more, and I felt super lovesick.

Then I return home to find that the sitting around has made my knee even more swollen than before...


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