Thursday, February 02, 2006

Her Eyes

The one thing that strikes anyone about her are her eyes.

One can see the fire behind them, the spark of passion within her that comes through those brown windows of her soul.

I've seen those eyes for a year now, and I've come to love every single expression and emotion that they are capable of: love, affection, desire and lust, injustice, anger, hurt, concern, compassion... the brown pools of light reveal those emotions of hers, and sometimes more.

That one time, we sat across each other at the dinner table with others around us, and she succeeded in acting very well, as though everything was normal and fine; she saw that I was shrivelling on the inside, and shot me looks of concern that betrayed her inner reality, that everything was just as cracked up as it was on my face.

Those eyes of hers.
They are the very bits of the person I love, the representation of her essence and expression of her inner being.


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