Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I miss being with you while you sleep.

The gentle rhythm of your breathing as you are sleeping, with the stillness of a queen...
I remember thinking, as I watched you sleep, how corny it would be to lip synch to the lyrics of that Aerosmith song, "I could stay awake/Just to hear you breathing", and groaned inwardly at the corniness of my mind.

But then, I found myself doing exactly that.
Staying awake.

Watching you sleep like a baby, listening to your breathing in the semi-darkness as we lay side by side, with me resting on my arm, watching you.

I remember how your face changed as well. From the start of our relationship towards the end.
How you used to have such troubled sleep, waking up tired, sometimes waking up in the middle of the night, having nightmares which caused you to groan.

Later, as the semester progressed, you were sleeping much more peacefully.

I miss so many things about you. Sometimes I remember what it's like to be in a room right when you walk in from the cold, your jacket cold to the touch, your nose a little frozen, or more than once for you to come back with your hair wet, with beads of water or melted snow resting like little pearls on your face, hair and jacket.

I love your nose, you know? Those elegant lines, with your brown smooth skin, and your twinkling eyes.

I've never been happier with anyone else, and I don't want to be with anyone else.


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