Thursday, November 17, 2005

Annoying guy in the closet... or is he out already?

Gay guys really don't bother me in general.

But what has been bothering the crap out of me recently has been this idiot, who doesn't seem gay on his facebook profile, but whose body language has been threatening, to say the least.

Don't get me wrong: one of my best friends is gay, and we are like brothers. I've nothing against gay guys or homosexuality in general.

I'm just disturbed by this ONE guy right now who, a) seems to be acting gay towards me and b) seems closeted, which makes it even more worrying, and c) whose intensity is really rubbing me the wrong way. Not that I like to be rubbed, unless it is a certain someone in a certain somewhere (sorry girls, I'm offlimits to everyone else).

He looks at me very much in the same way that I've seen other guys look and stare at hot chicks across a room. It's the same stare a hunter gives to a deer in his sights. Couple that with a really annoying tendency to want to attract my attention (overexaggerated gestures in my presence, a certain degree of anxiety, and a tendency to sit really close to me when I want to be left alone in the eating area), it translates into a really annoying motherfucker. Or fatherfucker. Whatever.

It's disturbing that I actually HAVE to behave in this way, because one time I was friendly and trying to be normal with him, the fucking idiot took advantage of me, entering my room, asking for the remote, turning on the fucking TV as though we were best buddies. As friends of mine know, I am very particular about space and distance. Maybe it's my upbringing, maybe it's genetic (my mother has the same tendencies), but I hate it when people lack discretion in such a way, and end up imposing on others.

In this case, this moron got the point when I purposely left the room, and shut myself somewhere else until he left.

Why the fuck do such idiots not get the picture, that I'm straight and I don't want to be their best friend?

This idiot is equally annoying elsewhere: likes to show off in class (I happen to be in the same huge class as him) when the rest of the class is floating around in their fantasies, El Weirdo raises his hand to ask a question, "Isn't this blah blah manifold blah blah blah particular case to the Kruschevskian integral yadda yadda yadda da?" and everyone in the class exchange looks and roll their eyes...


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