Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Kena sai!!! Setting up blogs and stupid GREs...

Chao chee bye, this damned blog is so difficult to create! What's with all my favourite blog names being taken up??? All these unoriginal disingenuous (*GRE word alert!*) mental retards who are copying my favourite names!! May they go to Southpark Hell! ("Saddam, you really hurt my feelings...")

Anyway, all I wanted to say initially was that I just realized I really like Prokofiev.
Am now listening to the ending music of "Romeo and Juliet", but instead of feeling tragic and soppy, I'm feeling extremely pissed off with this damned blog... such a freaking hassle to come up with a name nowadays!

-huff, puff, huff, puff-

Anyway, it's good that I get a chance to vent. For far too long, I've been keeping all this tension within myself, with the result that I'm developing peptic ulcers. Then I take Mylanta, and end up burping mint-flavored burps, and I feel like a toilet freshener.

I'm just going to use this blog to babble whenever I can: the rest of the time in my actual life, I'm always so careful about writing, so detailed and particular about my grammer, my spelling, my vocabulary... it's hard being anal retentive. You just end up being full of shit.

I am making excellent use of my time right now, typing this blog when I should actually be grading physics homeworks for freshmen...on a related note, undoubtedly most of the freshmen whom I'm grading officially hate me by now. A lot of times I give very low grades, but I hope they will understand that it is really not my fault if the grading scheme is as bad as it sometimes gets.... I really make an effort to be as generous as I can, but this is always subject to the constraints of the given grading scheme, which ranges from being ridiculously strict to ludicrously relaxed.

Anyway, before this, I filled my tummy up with lots of sushi. US$1 a piece for nigiri sushi, US$3 for hot sake, pretty good deal! Especially since H-town is finally becoming cold like it should be: yesterday's summer has become a crisp winter's day today. Not that I was too happy with that as I was biking to TSU for my GRE... speaking of which, I am extremely happy I got 680 for the verbal and 720 for the Quantitative section! The new computerized GRE scheme is really a bitch, and in my opinion, your gut feel about how you did on the exam is completely unrelated with your actual performance: I was fully expecting to score 500 on both sections, based on my gut feel, and my jaw hit the ground when I saw my actual scores on the computer screen.


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